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German Chancellor: German market welcomes Chinese cars

Publish Date: 2024.04.16

  According to foreign media reports, on April 15th, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasized his support for open and fair markets during his visit to China, while calling on the European Union not to promote protectionism and only to safeguard its own interests.


  Scholz emphasized that the European market must engage in open and fair competition with Chinese cars. He also warned that Europe will not tolerate dumping, overcapacity, and intellectual property infringement. It is reported that Scholz's visit to China was accompanied by executives from several important German companies and three ministers.


  "One day, Chinese cars will appear in Germany and Europe. The only thing that needs to be clear at all times is that competition must be fair. In other words, there must be no dumping, no overproduction, and no infringement of intellectual property rights." He also added that it is important to allow Chinese companies to establish production facilities locally without bureaucratic barriers. "


  Image source: Volkswagen


  However, when asked later about Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, calling on the EU to protect itself from the impact of China's overcapacity, Scholtz expressed his views.


  Schultz said, "The EU's concerns must start from confident competitiveness, not from protectionist motives." He also compared his concerns about Chinese cars with Europe's previous concerns about Japanese and Korean cars, and stated that Europe's previous concerns were unfounded.


  Schultz also said that when Japanese and South Korean cars entered the European market, people were worried that Japanese and South Korean cars would conquer the European market, but "this situation did not happen.".


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