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Company Profile

Scope of business includes auto parts and accessories, metal components, pneumatic machinery and components, home appliances, electronic appliances, clothing, furniture, new energy parts, metal products manufacturing, processing, sales, spare parts processing machinery and equipment sales, plastic products, packaging materials, chemical products (except hazardous chemicals, MCC, fireworks, civil explosives, precursor chemicals) sales, is engaged in the import and export business of goods and technologies.



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Address: Floor 2, building 2, no.13 caolian road, anting town, jiading district, Shanghai

Website: https://www.baidu.com/link?url=jOf_Pv3fb8pOOhm3hw5aDjmd11WWoLLk_5F3mPnwQFWbsS2nmt8znrdCH7UGB7zW&wd=&eqid=edf07fc90004ac8f000000065d6cddb3