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Industry News

Sodium ion and solid-state batteries usher in the 2.0 era of new energy vehicles

Sodium ion and solid-state batteries usher in the 2.0 era of new energy vehicles

Intel launches automotive version AI chip

Intel launches automotive version AI chip

Ideal Automobile and Ansemy Renew Long Term Supply Agreement

Ideal Automobile and Ansemy renew long-term supply agreement to jointly build the next generation of 800V intelligent electric vehicles

Years serve as evidence, struggle never ends | PKT AUTO Parts December Summary Report

Years serve as evidence, struggle never ends | PKT AUTO Parts December Summary Report

New Year's RMB suddenly drops significantly! Avoiding unilateral appreciation expectations is beneficial for export enterprises to maintain competitiveness

New Year's RMB suddenly drops significantly! Avoiding unilateral appreciation expectations is beneficial for export enterprises to maintain competitiveness

Is the cost of car regulations high? Car manufacturers are increasing the adoption of consumer grade chips

Is the cost of car regulations high? Car manufacturers are increasing the adoption of consumer grade chips

Volkswagen Europe's number of charging stations will expand to 600000

Volkswagen Europe's number of charging stations will expand to 600000

Samsung is rumored to have delayed production at a new chip factory in the United States

Samsung is rumored to have delayed production at a new chip factory in the United States

Toyota subsidiary Dafa compensates 420 suppliers for revenue losses

Toyota subsidiary Dafa compensates 420 suppliers for revenue losses


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