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Auto finance market dynamics in the third quarter of 2019

Publish Date: 2019.12.24

Auto finance market opportunity point analysis

In terms of city layout, more attention should be paid to second-tier cities, which had the largest cumulative sales volume in the first nine months with a relatively small year-on-year decline. Therefore, the outlook is promising.

In terms of regional layout, we should focus on east China. Although the year-on-year growth rate in east China is not large, it is much larger than other regions and has a large market capacity.

On the brand side, luxury brands keep growing, with strong growth momentum in German and Japanese brands, and auto finance can rely on these brands to achieve business growth.


In addition, according to Wilson monitoring data, first, the 25-39 age group is still the main consumer group, and the consumption share of the 30-34 and 35-39 age groups is rising. Therefore, auto finance still needs to focus on this group. 2. The proportion of female car buyers has reached 31%. Auto financing institutions should focus on the female user group and introduce differentiated programs to cater to market trends when necessary. Iii. As the proportion of unit users becomes more and more obvious, or becomes a business growth point, auto financing companies can launch more corresponding financial schemes for large customers to purchase cars for unit users.


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